Do Not Get Caught Ducking and Dodging Because You Did Not Keep Flare in Your Hairstyle.

Updated 12-28-2022

Hair styles for black women
Hairstyles by Arica Hart

Keep That Flare In Your Hair Style

A beautiful hairstyle can transform a lady from being ordinary. How many times have you heard of a woman having more confidence in herself after she has cleaned up and dressed up? 

Ladies take that extra time to make yourself as neat and presentable as possible. We all have said, "I'm going to run hear real quick, nobody will see me." 

Oh well, that's when it seems that you just happen to run into everybody and their mothers. You try to duck and hide behind something, but that doesn't work. Take it from me, just try to be ready for all occasions. 

Here are a few styles I have created for my beautiful clients. 


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